Tips for possible power outages, some that may surprise you
With the amount of snow and ice predicted for our region, it is time to prepare for the possibility of the dreaded power outages.
Even though the time to be able to drive will end by late Tuesday, there are still things you can do that will help out if worse comes to worst.
Before an outage
-Check your flashlights to be sure they are working, and replace batteries if needed and you have them on hand.
-If you have battery-powered radios or televisions, check to see if they are working, and again, replace batteries if possible.
-Keep your phones plugged in so that they're fully charged if the power goes out.
-Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings, so if the power goes out, you'll have a longer time before you have to worry about spoilage. If you have room in your freezer, fill an empty milk jug with water and freeze it. It will act like a giant ice cube and help keep your frozen food cold enough. During an outage, do not open the refrigerator or freezer door. Food can stay cold in a full refrigerator for up to 24 hours and in a well-packed freezer for 48 hours, 24 hours if it is half-packed. (Be sure to remember to turn your refrigerator back to normal settings when the risk has passed.)
-Put at least a half of a tank of gas in your vehicles. Besides helping prevent freezing of the gas lines, you should remember that many gas stations rely on electricity to power their pumps.
-If your water comes from a well, your pump will not work during an outage. Stock up on drinking and cooking water, and fill your bathtub as a source for buckets of water to flush your toilet until the power comes on.
-Put your flashlights, matches, candles and lanterns in a spot that they will be easy to locate if the power goes out after dark.
-If you have an electric garage door, make sure you know the manual non-electric opening procedure for it.
-Have blankets readily available should you need additional warmth and don't have an alternative heat source.
During an outage
-If your power goes out, let faucets drip a little to avoid freezing.
-Even if your cellphone is charged, note that when the power goes out, the wireless network may not work.
-If your power goes out, use a car charger to recharge your phone. DON'T run the car in an enclosed space such as a garage, or you risk carbon monoxide poisoning. Cellphone companies recommend text messaging rather than calling in any emergency weather situation, because text messages use much less network capacity. They also don't use much battery power.
-If you lose power at home, your house's Internet service won't work. Wireless Internet service on your phones is your best bet.
-In order to protect against possible power surges that can occur when power is restored, you should unplug all sensitive electronic equipment, including TVs, stereo, VCR, microwave oven, computer, cordless telephone, answering machine and garage door opener. Leave just one light switched on so you'll know when power is restored.
-If you own a generator, be sure to operate it safely. Never run a generator inside a home or garage. They produce potentially deadly carbon-monoxide fumes. Always keep running generators in an open and ventilated area.
-Of course, use a safe, alternative heat source with proper ventilation if possible, But if not, dress in layers, and be sure to wear a hat to conserve body heat. Watch for signs of hypothermia: uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and exhaustion. If those symptoms are observed, get medical help, as soon as possible.
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