Happy Love Month! Tips on Spreading Love Everywhere You Go
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Marianne Williamson said: "The world is a holographic universe, with every piece containing the whole. An enchanted love, an awakened love, between two people is a blessing on the entire world."
Fortunately, we have the help of Valentine's Day advertising (which turns February into what I am now coining as Love Month) to remind us that love is all around. And while that often means displays of love as material objects, the truth is we know that when J.Lo said "my love don't cost a thing," she was onto something. As gift-laden as Valentine's Day is, we all know that love doesn't exist in jewels and cars and furs -- although all of that sure is nice. Love exists right now, inside your beating heart, inside the deep pools of your eyes. You don't even have to think about it because love is already inside of you, waiting for you to discover it. You are, after all, a piece of the whole as Marianne said so eloquently.
Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, is also feeling the love. He recently released a campaign encouraging corporations to spread the love to one another for one week. I was so inspired by his desire to spread love to more people in the corporate world, and because I am a corporation of one, I decided that we (and by "we" I mean "me," but I'm inviting you to join in!) needed to extend this love fest further.
Like into every aspect of our everyday lives for the rest of the month of February.
Don't worry though, I'm not about to leave you hanging. Below are some love actions you can take right now to do your part in contributing to the enchanted, awakened love fest that everyone deserves to experience in this month of love. Try one activity listed below (or one of your own) every day this week and then consider extending it to the end of the month. Trust me, once you start, you won't want to stop. You're about to get even more hooked on love. Here we go:
* Write "I love you" on a Post-it note and strategically place it somewhere it will be found. This can be around your home, office or at a grocery store. You can also write a bunch of these with various love-inspired messages and leave them in random locations.
* Make a video on your iPhone, computer or camcorder telling someone you know how much they mean to you or what a positive impact they have had on your life. Then, post it on YouTube and send them the link. Bonus if it's your boss or someone you haven't connected with in a long time.
* Give a stranger a hug. Ask if it's okay first (that is the loving thing to do). When they ask "why" tell them it's in honor of Love Month.
* Put on your brightest red lipstick (yes, guys, you too) and kiss the mirror at home, at your office or randomly on a mirror somewhere you feel inspired. Extra props if you write "Love you! Xo" in red lipstick.
* Read a lovely love poem to your Beloved or your best friend or your favorite person in the world. Or the homeless man on the corner. I vote for Pablo Neruda and reading to a stranger.
* When at a coffee shop, restaurant, patisserie, etc. give the cashier an extra $5/10/20 to go towards whatever the next person orders. Say it's because you want them to know they are loved.
* Stop and pet the first dog or cat that crosses your path. Tell him/her "I love you."
* Go to the nearest mirror, make eye contact with yourself and say, "I love you _____ (insert your name here)." Repeat it until you feel the message of love in your body and your eyes well with tears.
* Write a love letter to your Beloved or someone you have been admiring for quite some time. Tell them how their presence in the world makes you feel. Mail it -- even if you live in the same house.
* Write a letter "To Whomever May Find This" telling that person how amazing and special they are to this world. Fold it up and leave it on a café table or in a bathroom stall.
* If you see someone who looks sad or unhappy, close your eyes and see them surrounded in pink light. Imagine you are sending love from your heart to bless them.
* Stop and talk to a homeless person. If you choose to give them anything, do it with love and bless them.
* Sit down with a small child and ask them what love is. Be sure to record their answer or take notes. It's going to be a good one.
* Go out and hug a tree. Kiss the tree too. Tell it how much you appreciate it and how much you love it. Bonus if, you touch every plant/bush and say "I love you" as well.
For more by Heather Strang, click here.
The list above should get you started and I'm sure it has already inspired countless other ideas for your own personal love fest. Let us know what actions you took in the comments below and how it felt to give love so unconditionally, so consistently.
Oh, and if I haven't already mentioned it -- I sure do love you.
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