How to get your demo right

I get demos every day. Multiple times a day.

I don't want to see a PowerPoint deck - I want to play with something.

I don't want to hear a description of what you do - I want to see a demo.

I don't want you to tell me your background, where you went to school, or where your grew up. I want to see what you are working on.

I still remember my first meeting with Bre Pettis at MakerBot. I walked into the Botcave in Brooklyn and was confronted with a long, narrow, Brooklyn-style industrial building where I could see people working away in the back. But before I got to them, I had to walk through a 1,000 square-foot area of MakerBot Thing-O-Matics printing away. This was an early "bot farm," and it probably took 15 minutes before I walked the gantlet. They were printing all kinds of things, and there were display cases of other stuff that had been printed and a vending machine for Thing-O-Matic parts.

When I got to the back where people were working, I totally understood what MakerBot did and what was possible with 3D printing.

We are lucky to be investors in a bunch of companies creating amazing new products. One of them, Oblong, as been working on spacial computing since John Underkoffler's early research in the 1990′s at the MIT Media Lab. For a number of years they were described the Minority Report technology (John was the science/tech advisor to Spielberg and came up with all the tech in the movie.) The following video is John showing off and explaining the core G-Speak technology.

The demo is iconic and amazing, but it takes too long and is too abstract for their corporate customers buying Oblong's Mezzanine product. The short five-minute "overview video" follows.

While this gives you a feel for things, it's still showing the "features and functionality" of the tech, applying a general use case. For several months, I kept banging on them to set up a simple use case, which is the how I use the Mezzanine system in our office. I use it every day, and it's been a huge factor for me in eliminating all of my travel.

A few months ago, Oblong had a sales off-site meeting to go through the progress they've made this year and to focus on the balance of the year. They've had a great year with a strong quarter-over-quarter sales ramp for Mezzanine on both a dollar and unit basis. The customer list is incredible, their classical enterprise land and expand strategy is working great, and new high-value use cases are being defined with each customer. So I smiled when I the following slide popped up on my Mezzanine during our weekly leadership team call.

While a little abstract in writing (I don't expect you to understand the first three bullet points unless you know how Mezzanine works), when it's shown in the first five minutes of a demo it simply blows your mind. And you totally get all three of the core technologies that Oblong has incorporated in Mezzanine (spatial computing, pixel virtualization, and data pipelining.) Your next reaction is "I want one." And then you are ready for the feature/function discussion, which can easily go on for 30 minutes.

There is endless talk about product development and getting "personas developed" while you figure out how to build your product for them. This approach is equally useful for demos, but it is so often overlooked. I can't tell you the number of times people start just showing me stuff, rather than saying, "Here's the problem I'm going to solve for you that I know you have." BOOM! And then I'm totally captured for the next 30 minutes.

Try it. The first five minutes is the most important with someone like me. Don't waste it.

The post Getting Your Demos Right appeared first on Feld Thoughts.

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