Tips on how to make love to your wife
There are times people post something on Facebook, where I think "this has to be a joke?' but then other people start to chime in and I realize, "OMG this is real and crazy."
That's the case with something I read recently in a group for DAD's. The post was from a DAD who had recently started staying at home and was asking other DAD's if they have trouble initiating sex with their wives? The post went on to say that this particular DAD used to do things like wash the dishes and tidy up as a way of lightening the load for his wife, which in turn would give them time to have sex.
Now that he is a DAD (I won't use stay at home dad) he does that stuff already as part of his every day and is at a loss on how to initiate sex with his wife. Before I could laugh, other DAD's started to share they have the same problem and suggested things like flowers, chocolate, foot rubs and massages.
While these are all fine ways to get your wife in the mood, they are band aids to the bigger problem that these guys have completely lost any and all confidence in being a man and a husband.
I understand the exhaustion of taking care of kids and a house. I understand what it feels like to feel left out while the rest of the world keeps on working away. Granted, it's hard and can be a confidence crusher, but what I don't get is this new generation of men who have seemingly given up on themselves and would rather whine about it that do something.
I see more DADs put energy into things like perfecting their capes for their avitars, working on videos and growing their Facebook following, but the simple task of intimacy with their wives, seems to shut them down. DAD spoke to several moms and got tips and information from them.
Here is your tips on how to make love to your wife:
1. Sack the hell up, be the man I know it's simplistic, but at sometime your wife married you not because you were good at dishes or could clean a mean floor, but because she was attracted to you mentally, emotionally and yes physically. Be that guy.
2. Clean yourself up. I have a tendency to slip on sweats and go a day or two without a shower. Shave, shower, put on a clean shirt, wax your balls, your head, your ears, whatever it is that she likes do it and do it all the time, not just as an attention getter. If some of these cats put in as much time in their marriage as they do their Luchadore masks, they would be blogging about romance not being a daddy.
3. Quit fuc*king whining about it like a kid who has to go to bed or take a bath. No woman and I mean not a single woman wants to hear you whine and complain about not having sex. It's the anti-sex approach. Don't want to have sex, start to mope and complain about it, boom you're not having sex.
4. Understand that this isn't all about you. Yes, believe it or not, your wife may be going through "stuff" as well. Not being around the kids, having to be the bread winner, trying to find a balance between mom, employee and wife can be exhausting and confusing. There is a stay at home mommy in our neighborhood who goes out of her way to make sure my wife feels awful every time they are together. You know what gets the juices flowing? Compassion, understanding and communication. Listen to her, ask her questions, talk to her. This is better than chocolate and you might learn something.
5. Sex Starts in the morning- Communicating is good we established that, but make sure you do it all day. I read a study( probably on Facebook) that said the average American couple talks a total of 10 minutes a day! Cut out all the clutter about work and kids and you are down to about :16 seconds. Remind her how beautiful she looks as she heads off to work, thank her for going to work, wish her luck in her big meeting, presentation, tell her you like her shoes, hair, lip stick belly ring, whatever, that kind of communication is positive all about her and shows that you notice and care.
6. Study- You heard me right. Bone up on boning. Just like your jump shot, your game can always be improved. Google the words "how to make a woman orgasm" and there are 48,200,000 results. A little less time complaining on Facebook and a little time learning a new move or two and when you do get put into the game you are hitting home runs!
7. Finally- Kiss Her- Really dude, what's wrong with a fuc*ing kiss right on the mouth? Guys were posting that they put timers on their wives e-mail time and when the timer goes off then they have sex. Believe it or not, women like to be swept off their feet by a man who loves them. Kiss their mouth, walk behind her kiss her neck, look at her right in the eyes and tell her she's beautiful, she's amazing, she makes you smile, she makes you horny, she makes you want to sing, whatever it is she likes, do it with your shoulders back, chin up and confidence high, she will respond. One wife told me, " when he steps it up, it makes me forget that I am an employee and a mommy and just makes me feel like a woman."
Ladies, let's hear your thoughts and tips. Is DAD off base, did I miss something, let's here from you.
Now, like DAD's Facebook page by clicking here, get off the internet, so whack your man weeds and get to work!
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