7 Time Maximizing Tips for 2014

Image courtesy dreamstime.com

The most successful people I know are masterful at maximizing their time. They've learned that squandering productive time eats away at high-level success. Time management is for people who have modest goals. If you want to join the ranks of the highly successful, you must learn to maximize, not manage, time.

Time-maximization is not about being a slave to the clock or e-calendar alerts. It is about mental toughness. Mental toughness is one's ability to focus on and execute solutions, especially in the face of adversity. People set goals for the New Year without any plan for how to accomplish them. In 2014, make maximizing time your goal.

Here are seven ways to do it.

Strengthen Your Accountability Muscle. Commit to full accountability for the next 24 hours. No matter what comes up, follow through with every single thing you said you would do or had scheduled. Doing this may mean letting emails sit in your inbox unopened for a few extra minutes, or letting phone calls go to voice mail. It may mean staying late at work or postponing your workout. Whatever it takes, notice how you used your time and dealt with distractions. This simple exercise will make you more aware of whether you use time optimally-or it uses you.

Set Short-Term Goals. The more successful one wants to be, the smaller the unit of time one must think in. Long-term goalposts-like the quarterly earnings or performance reviews corporations tend to use-can be the enemy of goal achievement for an individual. It is human nature to put things off or to not feel the urgency if the goalpost is too far away. Small goals that you achieve on a regular basis will move you closer to achieving your potential.

Prioritize Your Priorities Daily. Make two separate to-do lists daily. One list is for the most important daily activities, and the other one is for urgent, but not necessarily the most important, tasks. Focus on, commit to, and finish the first list, without fail, every day. With whatever time you have left, start in on the second list. Complete your priorities the first thing in the day, before distractions interfere and new problems intrude.

Create Rituals To Lock In Priorities. Take a few minutes to ritualize some of the more important things you need to prioritize. You create a ritual when you get in the habit of behaving in certain ways consistently over time. An easy way to do this is to plug priority behaviors into your daily calendar. Having a fixed amount of time set aside to complete your goal each day will help you turn this behavior into a habit. Be realistic in estimating the time you need to fully complete your priorities so you can experience consistent success throughout the day, every day.

Attack The Open Space. Whenever five minutes of time become free, ask yourself the following question: "What can I get done in the next five minutes?" By using five-minute time frames, which often show up two to three times a day for a busy person, you may be also to check off three or four extra items from your daily to-do list.

Trim The Fat From Appointments. We waste a lot of time in appointments, between showing up late, small talk at the beginning, having no agenda, or straying from the agenda. Observe your interactions with others and try to identify the behaviors, yours and theirs, that use up precious meeting time. Try cutting half- hour meetings to 20 minutes. Make hard start and stop times. You'll be amazed at how much "free" time you gain that you can now use being productive.

Identify Your Time-Maximization Unit Of Time. Write down three examples of time wasters, and the amount of time you generally waste doing them. For example, one of them might be that you spend 15 minutes each morning on social media, catching up with the activities of friends and family, instead of doing this later at home. So, 15 minutes is one of your time-maximization units of time. Now start thinking, "When this unit of time shows up, I'm going to commit to using that time productively." It will not be easy, but your intensity and productivity will increase dramatically by identifying your time-maximization unit of time.


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