Mega roundup: Juri U1 tech, Dee Jay tutorial, CMV exhibitions and much more ...
We've compiled another huge roundup of Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition v2012 technology and combos into a post. This features content for Juri, Dee Jay, Yang, Cody and a number of other characters.
We'll get started with KSK|Big Nasty Kail who explores a rather wicked fake cross up for Juri's Ultra 1, Feng Shui Engine. He talks about getting the most damage and the entire methodology behind his approach, making for one terrific tutorial. Hit the jump to see more.
As part of the process of saying good bye to SSF4 AE v2012, RebornFighters is creating a series of stylish combo videos, featuring a variety of cast members with an overall theme.
'Pretty in Pink' and 'Lady in Red' should spark some memories for those of you who were either alive during the 80s, or have some memories of the pop culture surrounding that era.
A new tutorial covering Dee Jay's hit boxes and frame data, plus on overview on how to use his normals is online now.
If this is a character that you're struggling to understand the concepts of how to play, you should definitely watch this, as the narrator does a very solid job of walking through the ins and outs of Dee Jay.
Embedded videos provided by FREEJ4Y, BigNastyKail and RebornFighters. Clips submitted by Cliffeside, Ryu_Apprentice, Rin_Nakaret and RiskyGoose.
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