Content Marketing, The Next Pyramid Scheme, And How To Avoid Being A Sucker

Increasingly, the obsession with content marketing looks like a pyramid scheme. It's great for people who get in at the top and have all the resources. For people joining the party late and not fully prepared, they can be duped into investing a lot of money and getting nothing in return. Do most brands really believe they can compete with the media companies for audience acquisition and attention?

A virtual industry has sprung up advising and selling content marketing services and technologies as the salvation for the modern business. Instead of producing expensive advertising campaigns and buying paid media, you create any manner of blogs, podcasts, videos, educational guides, games, whitepapers, and studies that you distribute through social channels and company web sites.

I've got no argument with the underlying concept. Content marketing makes a lot of sense and introduces an admirable set of values for marketers: Be helpful. Entertain, Share information of value. Focus on the channels where your audience is receptive to hearing from you. Don't be disruptive and manipulative. Engage rather than shamelessly promote.

Originally, many people jumped to the conclusion that content marketing was synonymous with free, but that's misleading. It's still hard to get something for nothing, although a lot of us of keep trying. No matter how good the content, it still needs to be distributed - and that's usually through a combination of social and paid channels.

The descriptions of content marketing are endless. You have high concept videos like Dove's Real Beauty Sketches that do attract huge audiences and encourage user engagement. The Creators Project from Intel cultivates artists and explores the boundaries of creativity. Limelight Networks has created the book, Digital Presence for Dummies. The spectrum ranges all the way to company microsites and Twitter feeds that curate interesting stories from across the web. What all these programs share in common is the conviction that everyone is equally capable of creating attention-grabbing content. That's the trap that marketers need to avoid.

Another misleading enticement for people is the low barrier to entry. Social platforms, an abundance of publishing tools, and the ability to share almost anything with anybody makes it easy to get into the content business. If you were to believe the hype, everybody is now their own little media company and content producer.

The problem is that we're not all suited to become media companies, and very few of us can produce content that anybody wants to view. While a few companies have the talent and resources to produce and distribute really great content, most content never sees the light of day, let alone pops up during a search.

Like with any trend, people jump on board with high expectations based on the industry hype. There's a period of initial euphoria. Then, six months later, when they don't see the promised results they get frustrated and quit.

Despite this, there are steps that increase the odds of success and keep you from being the sucker that bought in too late.

First, recognize that most companies can't realistically compete with the likes of Huffington Post,, LinkedIn, and Mashable, the ton of really good content producers that already exist.

Focus on creating an unfair advantage against your competitors by avoiding some of the most obvious executional pitfalls and playing within your strengths.

Understand that all content is not created equal. This notion that we can all churn out hit videos and blog posts is as ludicrous as saying that we should all be writing novels. Like engineering, or finance, there's an exponential difference between merely good content and exceptional content. You can distinguish yourself from 99% of your competitors by pursuing the exceptional.

Don't confuse sharing other people's content with the creation of original content. The vast majority of content marketing programs recycle information that you can get somewhere else. Sharing is a great thing, but when everybody is sharing the same content, it's pollution. Invest in original material.

Stay with what you know and distribute it to people who care. If you're in the hardware business, don't waste your time publishing general business wisdom. You'll be out of your league. Better to be valuable to 100 people than to be irrelevant to 1,000.

While we can't all be media companies, we still need basic processes to build a sustainable infrastructure for creating and distributing content over time. Emerging companies like Skywords actually do a good job of providing the publishing infrastructure to do this right. The reality is that few of us know how to build it on our own.

Finally, focus as much attention on content distribution as you do on content creation. The smart play is one that takes advantage of all the available social channels and amplifies the distribution with complementary paid media.

While these principles apply to all types of companies, a sweet spot exists for marketers without Fortune 100 budgets. While it's not free, a well thought out content plan lets you earn people's attention and engagement with a few strategic investments. You're ultimately building relationships instead of buying them.


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