How To Unleash Your Inner Rock Star, In 4 Simple Steps

Here's how to let out your inner rock star. Well, okay, maybe not this one in particular. (Photo credit: Protest Photos1)

"You realize that these girls are going, either quietly or loudly, sort of crazy. And you're going, 'Well, this is good. You know, this is something else.' At that age you're just so impressed, especially if you've been rather shy before." -Mick Jagger in 1995, discussing what it's like to be a 18-year-old on the verge of stardom.

You've got a rock star inside you. Having watched rock stars for years and spoken to experts, I'll offer some insights on how to give that star permission to come out.

1. Give yourself a break, and realize that rock stars aren't naturally any more confident or charismatic than anyone else. But they just learn to push through it, till the charisma and strong sense of self eventually start to ooze out of their pores.

In some cases, these are painfully shy people who learned to embrace the stage as a refuge from a painful real world. My Forbes colleague Ruth Blatt is a world-class expert on how the rock and roll business can inform the conventional world of business. Ruth tells me, "I've often encountered rock stars saying that they are shy except when they are on stage. It's like they put on a different persona. Like Michael Stipe or Patti Smith, both quiet people off stage. I agree that they push past their insecurities, but I do think that performance is one space where their insecurities disappear."

[Read Ruth's remarkable column on the evolution of Prince as a stage presence, which I guarantee will boost your own confidence at work.]

A dear old schoolfriend Raph Worrick, a talented songwriter and part-time performer in a quiet corner of Vermont, agrees with Ruth. "A lot of musicians are shy people, which is odd," he tells me. "I certainly am. But for some reason I have an easier time making an ass of myself onstage than making small talk with strangers at a party."

2. You need to be able to step onto a stage and be ignored or even booed. And you need to learn to survive that and learn from that.

Let me just point out that I said these steps are simple, I didn't say they're easy.

This one is a huge reason most of us aren't rock stars, because we spend our whole lives avoiding opportunities to be criticized or ignored. But ask yourself: Do I want my inner rock star to come out? If the answer is yes, you have to steel yourself and put yourself out there on more public stages.

Raph, a self-effacing and astute observer of the music business, says, "You do need thick skin, both on stage and off. I'm not sure a sane person would do it." He recounts the story of the time he was setting up to play a coffeehouse where there was a grand total of two people, staring intently at their laptops. "As I tuned up," he says, "one guy got on his phone and loudly announced, "Yeah, I gotta leave, there's some guy here with a guitar...."

"If you're going to sin, then at least sin boldly." -Martin Luther (paraphrased)

3. Understand that a rock star doesn't sing better than you, but he does sing louder than you. So, whatever you're doing, pump up the volume. No, Jagger can't sing worth a damn. Many rock stars tend to bray like goats, bleat like sheep or screech like banshees, and many of them are far from appealing to the eye. But they create a persona that's far more appealing than the mediocre, individual parts.

"Way back in college I was in an intro jazz class and the great drummer Ed Blackwell came to sit in with us," Raph tells me. "I was a very inexperienced and timid bassist and basically tried to sink into the background. After the first tune he turned to me and said "If you're gonna be wrong, at least be loud and wrong."

4. Rock stars don't try to erase their quirks. They double down on their quirks. So double down shamelessly on what makes you you. No, rock stars don't soften their rough edges, they let them stick out and poke the rest of the world.

It's okay to be desperate for approval. But decide that it's not okay to be willing to do anything for approval. Rock stars need love, and they'll hate you for not loving them. But they won't jump through the hoops that would make you love them-whether it involves going to college, repairing their credit history or showering. In the same way, there's no reason for you to be too much of a people-pleaser. Pleasers lack gravitas. Even if they gain attention, they'll likely lose it with the next gust of the winds of fashion.

So turn the volume up to 10 in your career, then break the knob off. If you fail, you won't get any points for failing quietly.

Jimi Hendrix struggled with shyness, racism and family tragedy. Robert Plant struggled with nerves that could have derailed his career at the outset. Bruce Springsteen struggled with depression and came close several times to lasting failure. Prince wasn't even allowed by his record company to go on tour due to his lack of stage presence-and when he finally went out, he was booed and had shoes thrown at him as an opening act to the Stones in Los Angeles in 1981.

Yet they persisted. And eventually their inner rock star came out. Yours can too.

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