9 Money

New York Times9 Money-Saving Tips for Older TravelersNew York TimesHere are ideas from experts on how older Americans can get the most value from their travel dollars: □ Prioritize the places you want to visit and your approximate annual budget. “Decide where you want to spend your...

Freeze! Here's How to Keep Summer Fruits Good Through Winter

Huffington PostFreeze! Here's How to Keep Summer Fruits Good Through WinterHuffington PostPrep your fruits how you'll use them later. Are you envisioning a peach cobbler or crisp apple pie to warm you in the winter months? Then it's best to peel, pit, or core, and cut those fruits...

7 Tips To Boost Sales In August

Forbes7 Tips To Boost Sales In AugustForbesOur favorite door opener Caryn Kopp has these terrific tips for selling in August — thought we'd share! Why waste the month of August cleaning your office? Make the most of your summer by seizing new business opportunities while your competition...

How to Move Out of Your Parents' Basement

U.S. News & World ReportHow to Move Out of Your Parents' BasementU.S. News & World ReportIf you're in your 20s or early 30s and are still living at home, biding your time until you get your own place, you are likely not a strange person but simply a statistic. In fact, last...

Black Ops III gets an official movement tutorial video

TechnoBuffaloBlack Ops III gets an official movement tutorial videoTechnoBuffaloThe multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: Black Ops III begins next week on the PlayStation 4. As such, Activision and Treyarch have elected to show the Duty world how to move. Yep, the video you see above...

23 fascinating diagrams reveal how to negotiate with people around the world

Business Insider23 fascinating diagrams reveal how to negotiate with people around the worldBusiness InsiderYou can't expect negotiations with the French to be like negotiations with Americans, and the same holds true for every culture around the world. British linguist Richard D....

Tips to save money at the Iowa State Fair

KCCI Des MoinesTips to save money at the Iowa State FairKCCI Des Moines... fair for attendees 21 and older. 2: 41 · next video will play in: 2. seconds. Agents conduct sting at multiple Des Moines locations. 1: 56. post a comment. It can be easy to spend a lot of cash at the Iowa...

3 tips to avoid disaster in your cloud migration

InfoWorld3 tips to avoid disaster in your cloud migrationInfoWorldUse these tips to get a jump start. And make sure your very first step is to learn all you can about cloud migration in general. 1. Think stepwise. Many enterprises move from 0 to 100mph when looking to migrate applications...


BT.comMake-up tips for over 50s: 9 youthful beauty tricks to older skinBT.com... can't roll the clock back (or your birth date) permanently, they can help you to look more radiant, more rested and more youthful. Think of it as your freshest face possible. We asked award-winning make-up...

Inmate With Stock Tips Wants To Be San Quentin's Warren Buffett

KPBSInmate With Stock Tips Wants To Be San Quentin's Warren BuffettNPRCurtis Carroll discovered the stock market in prison. Through friends and family on the outside, he invests from San Quentin State Prison in Northern California, and he's also an informal financial adviser to fellow...

How To Make Doing What You Love More Lucrative

Fast CompanyHow To Make Doing What You Love More LucrativeFast CompanyJ. Money was fired from his job several years ago, but as an accidental entrepreneur, he's managed to increase his net worth substantially after throwing himself into his blogging and money-coaching business. Dorison...

Mature make

BT.comMature make-up tricks: 9 flattering beauty tips every woman over 50 should knowBT.com... can't roll the clock back (or your birth date) permanently, they can help you to look more radiant, more rested and more youthful. Think of it as your freshest face possible. We asked award-winning...

How to Retain Millennial Employees Through Workplace Equity

EntrepreneurHow to Retain Millennial Employees Through Workplace EquityEntrepreneurThere is one issue from which no business–regardless of size, type or location–is immune: employee turnover. Retaining top talent is a challenge, and this challenge is increasing in difficulty with...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Combat Movement Tutorial trailer released

Flickering Myth (blog)Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Combat Movement Tutorial trailer releasedFlickering Myth (blog)The latest trailer from Call of Duty: Black Ops III developer, Treyarch, is a tutorial on movement within the game. Black Ops III contains so many new features for moving...

How To Pay Off Debt For Good

ForbesHow To Pay Off Debt For GoodForbesThat is a stressful, exhausting way to live. I know – there have been times in my life when I had as much as $10,000 in credit card debt, and I left college with $20,000 in loans (in 1998 — $29,300 in today's dollars). How to pay off debt for...

How to put on a mega

The Guardian (blog)How to put on a mega-gig: the tour manager's storyThe Guardian (blog)That's how I got into touring, and then you get jobs through word of mouth and recommendations. It's not much different to being an electrician. I wasn't experienced, so I'd do it for what little...

Vugo Allows Uber Drivers to Receive Tips Electronically

Inside BitcoinsVugo Allows Uber Drivers to Receive Tips ElectronicallyInside BitcoinsAs of right now, the Uber taxi service app does not have a feature that allows people to tip their drivers electronically. Uber drivers have been complaining about only being able to receive tips...

How to think yourself smart

Telegraph.co.ukHow to think yourself smartTelegraph.co.ukAnd how do we achieve this? With those “tools for smart thinking” – 100 ideas drawn from a range of academic disciplines, from economics to philosophy and everything in between, to assist us in more rational (and, by implication,...

Here's a Handy Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta Movement Tutorial Video

XboxAchievementsHere's a Handy Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta Movement Tutorial VideoXboxAchievementsWith the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 multiplayer beta looming on the horizon this month, Treyarch has released a new video offering up some valuable advice on the game's rather fast-paced...


Fashion TimesDIY At-Home Tutorial Tips For Pink Hair Dye & Color Chalk Hairstyles 2015Fashion TimesOK, pink hair is officially everywhere. We aren't talking about hot pink, 90's Gwen Stefani style, but a softer, pastel shade that's essentially pretty in pink! We sought the expert...

It's a Super Mario Title Tutorial

NewBlueFX (press release) (blog)It's a Super Mario Title TutorialNewBlueFX (press release) (blog)Bust out your Nintendo 64 and chow down on some birthday cake because our favorite red-hatted plumber is turning 30 this year! To celebrate, we're giving you a step-by-step tutorial on...

Top 10 Tips for Capturing the Spirit of Prague

Huffington PostTop 10 Tips for Capturing the Spirit of PragueHuffington PostProof that you can experience the true nature of a city by visiting it's tourist traps. In a world where people live fast-paced lives, and the buildings around us become bigger and shinier, it's nice to find...

The end is nigh: Robots are learning how to build better clones of themselves

Telegraph.co.ukThe end is nigh: Robots are learning how to build better clones of themselvesQuartzIn just about every dystopian film where robots have taken over, they've gotten to their dominance over humanity by being able to self-replicate and get better with each new model. Once...

How to install Windows 10: Upgrade to Windows 10 with GWX.exe missing

PC Advisor (registration)How to install Windows 10: Upgrade to Windows 10 with GWX.exe missingPC Advisor (registration)Windows 10 has already been installed on 14 million machines - is yours one of them? And if not, why not? We show you how to install Windows 10 right now - even...

How to Confront ISIS

Huffington PostHow to Confront ISISHuffington PostIn order to understand how to deal with grassroots and terroristic movements, like those that emerged in Iraq in 2005 or ISIS today, we need to understand that they have multiple layers of support. Each layer of support sustains and...