10 ridiculously useful parenting tips for the holidays

Salon10 ridiculously useful parenting tips for the holidaysSalon10 ridiculously useful parenting tips for the holidays (Credit: Coprid via Shutterstock). 1. Traveling with children can be a challenge, especially in this season of chilly weather and crowded airports. To make it easier,...

How to manage holiday stress

WCPOHow to manage holiday stressWCPOThe trick is tuning into the good parts while learning to cope with the troublesome parts. We all have a choice as to how we allow ourselves to feel, and teaching yourself to take in the good while letting the bad roll off your back is a great...

Beauty tips: Sali Hughes's guide to Christmas gifts

The GuardianBeauty tips: Sali Hughes's guide to Christmas gifts - videoThe GuardianSali Hughes shares some of her favourite ideas for beauty products that would make great presents this Christmas. Beautifully-designed scented candles and room diffusers, stylish make-up as well as...

How to … mine the outdoors for giftable treasures and seasonal decor

Minneapolis Star TribuneHow to … mine the outdoors for giftable treasures and seasonal decorMinneapolis Star TribuneHow about venturing afield (or into the woods) in search of common — or not so common — treasures, with the goal of decorating your home or finding feathers and other...

I gobbled too much! How to recover after Thanksgiving

Bangor Daily NewsI gobbled too much! How to recover after ThanksgivingBangor Daily NewsYou heard all the tips about how to enjoy a healthy Thanksgiving. Keep portions in check. Load up on veggies. Avoid the shame of the midnight pie run, with its rushed devouring of yet another slice...

Restaurateur Alice Waters offers tips on Thanksgiving

PBS NewsHourRestaurateur Alice Waters offers tips on ThanksgivingPBS NewsHourJudy Woodruff sits down with Alice Waters to talk about the organic revolution, the role of food in schools and Thanksgiving traditions. The conversation airs Thursday on the PBS NewsHour. This Thanksgiving,...

Italy: how to see Venice in a wheel chair

Telegraph.co.ukItaly: how to see Venice in a wheel chairTelegraph.co.ukPlease may I have some advice on the possibility of visiting Venice in a wheelchair? I use a manual chair because I had polio when I was a child. Friends tell me how difficult it would be, but I would like an...

How To DIY Your Own Bangs Without Looking Like An Idiot

TheGlossHow To DIY Your Own Bangs Without Looking Like An IdiotTheGlossI have a confession. I am addicted to bangs. Ever since I was a pre-teen I've been enamored with the look of thick, face framing bangs a'la Zooey Deschanel (before anyone had even heard of her, which makes me...

8 Healthy Trip Tips from Mega

ABC News8 Healthy Trip Tips from Mega-TravelersABC NewsWith long flights, decadent foods, and little time for the gym, traveling can take its toll. How can you avoid the nasty flu going around and stick to your New Year's Resolution even when you're in and out of airports or on the...

How to get invited back for Thanksgiving dinner

The Week MagazineHow to get invited back for Thanksgiving dinnerThe Week MagazineDo not mention how Timmy enjoyed the parade, do not comment on how beautiful the leaves were when you went for a run and, (I shouldn't have to say this) under no circumstances are you to mention a nap....

Tutorial: Root the LG G2

AndroidPIT.comTutorial: Root the LG G2AndroidPIT.comThe LG G2 is one of the best smartphones around, competing against Samsung and HTC, and integrates a whole load of functions. Offered at a lower price than its rivals, it managed to lure many Android fans. Here is how to root the...

Black Friday Beauty: Tips For Looking Fresh

Beauty World NewsBlack Friday Beauty: Tips For Looking Fresh-Faced During Early Bird Morning ...Beauty World NewsCheck out our simple Black Friday beauty tips that can keep you looking well rested and fresh-faced. Puffy Eyes. You know you're only going to get a smidge of sleep Thanksgiving...

5 Easy Vacation Beauty Tips

Babble5 Easy Vacation Beauty TipsBabbleBeautytips I always tend to overpack when I am heading out of town on vacation. I plan out all of the beautiful outfits I'm going to dress up in and different ways I am going to style my hair. The truth is I usually end up only wearing about...

How to Get Big, Bad, Bombshell Hair

TheGlossHow to Get Big, Bad, Bombshell HairTheGloss“The higher the hair, the closer to God” is a saying all southern girls have memorized. Country girls know that the secret to good hair isn't always shine, or perfect highlights, or even health, but just making it as large as possible....

Thanksgiving Diet Tips From Competitive Eating Champ

ABC NewsThanksgiving Diet Tips From Competitive Eating ChampABC NewsThe world of competitive eating is probably the last place you'd expect to get good advice on reining in the calorie count on Thanksgiving. But Crazy Legs Conti, an International Federation of Competitive Eating...

How to network: 5 methods from top experts

The Week MagazineHow to network: 5 methods from top expertsThe Week MagazineSo why aren't there any good resources on the nitty gritty of how to network? And how to network in a way that doesn't feel sleazy? Here are five methods from experts that you can quickly and easily start...

Chalkboard wine glasses tutorial

Philly.comChalkboard wine glasses tutorialPhilly.comHoliday hosting is right around the corner and I have the perfect solution for helping your guests keep track of their wine glasses. It only requires a few items and for less than $20 you can make a set of 8 chalkboard wine glasses...


Washington Post (blog)Far-sighted policymaking is hard. Here's how to make it easier.Washington Post (blog)In a recent post, Joshua Tucker highlights what he calls “the fundamental political challenge of climate change”: to address the problem of global warming we must engage in...

How to Prevent Another HealthCare.gov

RealClearPoliticsHow to Prevent Another HealthCare.govRealClearPoliticsSpeaking at a Wall Street Journal forum last week, he said his administration needed to “blow up how we procure for IT” given how “generally not very efficient” the current system is. Although small changes to...

Safety Tips for Winter Driving

WWLP 22NewsSafety Tips for Winter DrivingWWLP 22NewsCHICOPEE, Mass (WWLP) - 22News is working for you with some tips on safe winter driving. No one wants to break down, but especially not during this cold weather. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration make...

Beyond tests: How to foster imagination in students

Washington Post (blog)Beyond tests: How to foster imagination in studentsWashington Post (blog)The emphasis on using standardized tests are the chief metric of student progress (not to mention teacher effectiveness) is leaving behind one of the key purposes of education: to stimulate...

How to know if you are owed an inheritance.

ABC NewsHow to know if you are owed an inheritance.ABC NewsQ: Dear Dr. Don,. My question is about how to find out whether my father has left any assets to me if he has died, as I fear. He and I are estranged. I have not heard from him in years. His last known address is Port Arthur,...

10 Surprising Success Tips from Amazing Sales Guru Tom Hopkins BY Kevin ...

Inc.com10 Surprising Success Tips from Amazing Sales Guru Tom Hopkins BY Kevin ...Inc.comWe agreed that these were 10 of the most effective tips: 1. Covet your time. Time is precious--only 86,400 seconds in a day. Average people waste most of those seconds in unproductive or unrewarding...

How to Dismantle the Comic

The AtlanticHow to Dismantle the Comic-Books Boys' ClubThe AtlanticIf the threat of public exposure leads comics professionals to behave more professionally, that's a good thing. Comics news and blogs have been covering this issue extensively (one of the best accounts I've seen is...

Chalkboard Wine Glasses Tutorial

PARADEChalkboard Wine Glasses TutorialPARADEHoliday hosting is right around the corner and I have the perfect solution for helping your guests keep track of their wine glasses. It only requires a few items and for less than $20 you can make a set of 8 chalkboard wine glasses for...